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Eric Philip Michaels was born in Queens, New York, to Abraham and Enid Michaels on February 11, 1948. He graduated Philadelphia's Lincoln High School in 1965, and then attended Temple University where he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts with a major in English in 1973. He entered graduate school at The University of Texas at Austin the same year, receiving a Master of Arts degree in anthropology in 1979. During these years, he taught anthropology at Temple University and Austin Community College, and was a research associate with Temple University's anthropology department, and also the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory. His publications included articles on communitarian societies, video ethnography and video art. He is currently a Fellow of the Australian Institute for Aboriginal Studies, where he lives with an Aboriginal community during their first exposure to television.

Permanent Address: 9 Quail Road, Osterville, Massachusetts, 02655.

This dissertation was word-processed by Steven Stepan.

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