New V238 OpSys

ILEC Australia


New V238 OpSys

By Dion Weston
Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The latest version of the SN10 Operating System (V2.48) is now available for download from the SN10 Support page on this site.

This article relates to the release of version 2.38 from May 16, 2013, which features the following key additions:

  • FLARM enhancements:  
    • f task declaration more reliable (FLARM accepts max 8 turnpoints!)
    • displays FLARM progress messages (PFLAQ: IGC file dump, etc)
    • force protocol version 6 - Note: ignores PCAS messages for now
  • Important serial improvements to reduce GPS and FLARM data loss
  • Further internal improvements (free up space for future features)

 More detail on the additions and bugfixes introduced can be found on the Software Revision Updates listing page.

Regular straightforward updating the Operating System software of the SN10 is one of the key competitive features of this instrument. Details of the updating process can be found within the help section oaf this website.

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Page updated: 19/07/2024