New V2.48 OpSys
By Dion Weston
Friday, July 19, 2024
A new version of the SN10 Operating System (V2.48) can be downloaded from the SN10 Support page on this site.
This article relates to the release of version 2.48 from September 01, 2022, which features the following key additions:
Notable features of version 2.48 (1-September-2022): *******************
- Add Ventus 3 polar
- FLARM Fusion 7.06 bug workaround (no FLARM data->resend NMEAOUT command)
- additional FLARM (magic 77) debugging, debug tool updates
- prevent pilot accidental in-flight altimeter reset to home elevation
- OAparse (including Linux version) handles most altitude inputs
- Demo bugfix: Don't die on super-long NDB file names
- Bugfix: FLARM neighbors: clear departed traffic from image promptly
- Bugfix: Don't show USB page when no SN10-USB adapter installed on LAN
- internal: stdint source updates (identical HEX files)
More detail on previous operating system revisions can be found on the Software Revision Updates listing page.
A reminder also that a Windows PC demo application based on the new V2.48 OS can be downloaded here.
Dave has been issuing updates for the instrument roughly every year, sometimes twice a year, usually during the US soaring season. Details of the updating process can be found within the help section oaf this website.