TopHat moving map integration with the SN10
By Dion Weston
Wednesday, August 03, 2022
Top Hat Soaring is a project intent on creating an easy-to-use moving map tactical glide computer, focused on an intuitive user interface. It is primarily orientated to run on Android OS tablets, though there are other compatible hardware listed here.
Top Hat is based on the popular XCSoar technology. If you have flown with XCSoar, TopHat's operation will appear very similar; though there are key differences as outlined here.
From v2.41 of the SN10 software onwards, SN10 integration with TopHat has been enabled, providing a great moving map enhancement with the following features:
- The current SN10 task is displayed in TopHat, including AAT areas and target point within a turn area. If the SN10 task is manually updated, or if rounding turnpoints auto updates the SN10 task, TopHat is also immediately updated.
- All TopHat computation utilises the SN10's current wind and other real time sensor data.
- Large map display of alternates are always visible on TopHat, enabling contemporaneous consultation and what-if adjustments on other SN10 flight planning pages. (Note: a compatible turnpoint database needs to be loaded into both the SN10 and TopHat for valid alternatives display.)
Detailed guidance on connections and set-up to use TopHat with the SN10 can be found on Dave Nadler's main SN10 support site.